How I Used the Hardest Year of my Life to Fuel my Business and Triple my Income

Today I want to talk about transition and how I fueled the hardest year of my life to push my business and find not only personal fulfillment, but financial.  We all fall down sometimes, but true strength comes from having the courage to get back up…

Today I want to talk about transition and how I fueled the hardest year of my life to push my business and find not only personal fulfillment, but financial.  I want to talk about the importance of leaning on your spouse/partner/or any other support system that you have in place. I'm writing this post now because it has been just over three years since we put that SOLD sticker on our beautiful home and drove away from a life that was familiar and comfortable for one that was completely different, new, and held many more challenges than I ever saw coming.  So brace yourself because we are about to embark on what has happened from then to now and how it’s ultimately shaped me into the person I am today!


It was 2013 when I first opened my Etsy shop.  At that time I was crafting everything and anything from wood signs to baby clothes and accessories.  I didn't have a direction. I had goals, I had hopes and I had SO many dreams but they all kind of fell flat when I continued to go over my numbers and what I was NOT earning.  


When we first moved to South Bend, my Husband Shaun and I were living in my in laws basement with our sweet daughter Riley (6 months old at the time) and both feeling very blue.  It was hard for me to be positive and each time I looked at my current business I felt like I was on the wrong track. That time in my life was so hard. It was the thick of winter, I'd just moved my entire life to something so unfamiliar and new.  I wasn't in my own space and struggling to learn how to be a mom. All that is in the past now though and I look back on the dark time knowing it was preparing me for great things.

I took some time to re-evaluate where I was in my life, what I wanted to do, and how I wanted to get there.  

The pity party had to end eventually and I snapped out of it.  I picked myself up and decided that if I wanted to see a change in my life and business, it was up to me.  I quickly discovered how good a camera felt in my hands and how capturing people was something that lit a spark in my heart.  I wasn't very good, but I knew deep down that I could be eventually.

It’s not like people didn’t believe in me because I know they did and do, but in my own head I thought everyone was judging me because I wasn’t “working the normal job”.  This feeling put a drive in me I can’t quite properly express but it’s safe to say I was bound and determined to make something for myself outside of the “normal” jobs I’d always done.



So here I was, feeling ready to make some changes and figure out what that meant for my business and for me.  I still have that first goal sheet I wrote down. It's really long, friends. Like three pages long. My thoughts were all over the place.  In a nutshell I wanted to start taking better pictures, but that involved equipment upgrades, which involved getting my husband to understand where my head and heart were at the time.  I wanted to get out of his parent's basement and back into our own space, but I didn't know when that would be. I wanted to feel like I was a good mom and doing okay in that department.  I wanted to close down my handmade shop but wasn't sure what that looked like out of fear. I wanted to be taken seriously. I wanted to prove myself. I wanted to find my own way and my own happiness.  Writing everything down felt beyond freeing. It's safe to say I've knocked off many things on my goal list but there are always more to chase after, trust me! Down that list you will see "I hope to someday get my work published."  Well, that has happened with several other publications, too. My first feature was on Style Me Pretty and I couldn't be more proud of how that moment felt.

I wish I could put into words what it felt like to receive the email from the editor saying, "Congratulations!"  All I can say is that it was another reminder of working toward my goals. While some may not happen as you find your way, it's important to have milestones along the way and remember where you started.



Something no one tells you about working for yourself as a creative is that it's incredibly difficult to explain what you do to others outside of the industry.  People don't get it. The creative community gets it, but I couldn't help but feel like those around me just thought I was playing on the computer. When I first got started my endless hours on the computer taught me about design, taught me about discipline, taught me how to find my voice in my writing once again.  I couldn't really expect those around me to fully understand what I was doing, because I wasn't quite sure myself. However, I did know that I wanted to be taken seriously. There are things no one tells you about when it comes to working for yourself. For example, leaving the 9-5 with the desire and anticipation of working less, seeing your friends all the time, and drinking mimosas because you can.  Well, it ain't like that. As an entrepreneur (if you're really wanting to make a change) there is this thing called hustle. Hustling all day every day to chase that dream. Make sure you make time for your people because you're going to need them, trust me. Unlike an office setting sharing your wins with a group of people, when something awesome happens you are most likely by yourself in the kitchen having a little dance party.  You are suddenly forced to accept that it's no longer the way it used to be but it doesn't mean you shouldn't celebrate every milestone (big or small) along the way. I’ll never forget one of my big milestones in my business about two and a half years ago. It caused me to put the baby in the stroller and walk to the mini mart for OJ and Champagne (it was 9 AM). I didn't care, I had a huge win and I wanted to celebrate. It may have just been me, but that was a morning that will forever stick with me.  That morning was my first ah-ha moment on my journey of, "Holy cow, I'm actually doing this."

I’m also learning as my business has continued to grow and meet many more milestones, it’s SO important to celebrate!  I don’t do it enough anymore but writing this post makes me realize that it’s something I better start reinforcing again because it feels so good!


Alright, let's back up the bus to when I still wasn't sure what the heck I was even doing.  The moment everything changed was when I finally narrowed my focus. I took the time to draft my target market, my ideal client, and all those fun things us creatives do when trying to find our way.  I made list after list, conversation after conversation with myself and my husband on what I wanted to do. I fell in love with how I felt working on my own brand (which three and a half years later is FINALLY where I’ve always dreamt it to be!)

My brand has been through a lot over the years… should we go down memory lane?

  • Filtered Art

  • Emma Rose Designs

  • Emma Rose Photographer

And finally…

Emma Rose Company

I kept trying to separate all the things until I realized that I was not only wasting time, but so much energy trying to keep things separated.  Now EVERYTHING is together under one umbrella which is Emma Rose Company! I did recently start a lifestyle blog and quickly realized that sharing THOSE things need to be with my company, too.  My audience is mostly women who are looking to find more peace, balance, and intention in their lives and business. Since embarking on my own journey to change my life and my bad habits with my health, I’ve opened up a whole new conversation about well being and self love that I’m passionate about sharing with others!

As time went on, I continued to narrow my focus.  I finally realized that I am a photographer and website designer for photographers.  This was huge. The moment I attached the words "for photographers" to my services, everything changed.  Before I was a "graphic designer for creative entrepreneurs". That is so broad in the grand scheme of it all.  I now primarily work with fellow photographers but I've also worked with florists, brand strategists, and various crafty entrepreneurs on different projects.  I'm not completely closed off to other areas, but my focus is with photographers. As a photographer myself, I have something unique to bring to the table knowing and understanding what a website needs to stand out in our field.  Narrowing my focus was the smartest thing I've ever done for my business. If you aren't sure where to start with this, just start writing things down. Write down what you like to do, what you want to do, and slowly but surely the ideas will come together.



The struggle is real.  In the social media world we are surrounded by perfection left and right.  It's everywhere. I talk about this all the time, but I can tell you that the moment I stopped comparing was when I found the ability to write my own story.  I found my voice amongst the crowd and I developed a brand I'm truly proud of. Here is a very short list of what can happen to you and your business if you compare yourself to others:

  • You are held back from achieving your own goals.

  • Can you say time suck?  Channel that time to utilize YOU and your business.

  • When you are constantly thinking about everything other people have, it with inhibit you from finding your own creativity and ideas along the way.

  • Comparing yourself to others can make you feel bad, when you feel bad, your business feels bad.  The only person you are hurting is you and your chance at focusing your time and energy on your own stuff.

A few ways to overcome comparing yourself to others is to stay focused on other things.  While there will always be those things out there that make us compare ourselves, move on.  Keep focused on what is important to you and your journey. Don't give up. Don't give up because of what others are doing.  Do you know how many times I doubted myself along the way? How many times I looked up job openings because I figured it would just be easier than failing those around me and myself?  Well, I didn't give up and I thank the lord every day for that! Shut it down when possible. Social media is amazing, but can also be overwhelming. It's important to step away, especially when it may just be an off day for you.  The beauty in what we do is that we do get to write our own rules. Sure, we have obligations and deadlines but that's not to say you can't take some time to yourself to regroup.



Ask yourself why you do what you do.  I'm often reminded by my daughter in the little things she does throughout the day of my "why" on this journey.  Things don't happen overnight. I wake up every morning with a clear head and heart knowing exactly why I'm doing what I do.  For me personally it is because I want my daughter to see her mom doing something that she loves. I don't want to cry every Monday through Friday dropping my kid off at childcare (okay that is dramatic, but I'm an emotional person so I probably would).  I never went back to work after I had Riley so I don't really have a good insight on what that feels like but for me personally, I didn't want to know. In my own heart I knew that I wanted to be home with my girl and I would do whatever it took to do just that.  My why is everything to me in what I do. Without purpose, you don't have much. What sets you on fire? What makes you the most excited?

One of the most amazing thing I’ve done for myself is letting go of my downtown studio space.  It was beautiful and it was amazing, but at the end of the day it did not serve me. It did not serve my “why”.  I wrote a post on it right here if you’d like to read about it!


This one is huge.  The moment I realized my time and talent were worth more I not only started booking my ideal clients, but I found myself working less.  I have been in a tricky marketplace in where I live, which is a lower income area of the state. I knew this going in, but I also knew that those who value quality work will hire me.  I’ve made SEO a driving force in my business through blogging, Pinterest, and growing my reputation. Brides find me on Google and that is beyond exciting because I’ve worked really hard for that!  

Talking about money is hard and uncomfortable, but here's the thing, friends.  This isn't a hobby. This is my livelihood. This is my business. This is something that I take seriously.  I have poured not only loads of money into my business, but heart. I eat, breathe, and sleep what I do here at Emma Rose Company.  It is everything to me. If someone can't see that or feel that, they aren't the right client for me. I learned quickly that saying "no" was just fine.  It's not me being snotty or entitled, it's me being a wife, mom, and business owner. I turn down projects/sessions because sometimes something just isn't a good fit, and I usually feel it in my gut.  It's okay to say no. If you don't value yourself and your time, then others won't, either. It's pretty simple.

I wrote a blog post about how to deal with people saying you’re too expensive… you can read that right here!



This one is funny and brings me back to something I learned once about developing a strong elevator pitch.  No, I don't work for a corporation. No, I don't go to the office every day or warehouse, whatever. I stay home.  But I can tell you that I now work harder than I ever did before in anything I've done. If you could see a glimpse into what a day with me looks like you will see client correspondence, video calls, keeping track of my business financials, marketing, oh and did I mention I stay home and do all this with a toddler?  Yeah, let's throw that in there. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's hard to explain to people what I do sometimes, and it's okay. There are generation gaps that don't quite understand the drive to want to work for yourself. I can't expect someone 50 years older than me to understand blogging. Maybe some do, but not many I know personally!  Sometimes I've had conversations with people in my life and I try to explain what I'm up to, and it's like I'm talking to dust. That's fine, it's cool, I get it. Sometimes it's hard to feel isolated in this life as a creative business owner, but all that matters to me is that I know I'm making a difference. It matters to me that I'm finally happy. It matters to me that I'm contributing significantly to my family's financial well being.  I'm proud of that, but I don't expect everyone else to fully understand.



I’ll never forget about 8 months into my photography journey and all I wanted was to see a Canon 5D Mark iii under the Christmas tree.  Well, Christmas rolled around and it wasn't there. During that 7 hour car ride home I got real with my Husband Shaun and told him all the reasons I felt like I needed to stop renting the camera and invest in one for myself.  

You guys, my guy has been with me through all my crazy ideas.  All of which have mostly fizzled out, failed, or disappointed me.  

So there I was putting it all on the line to tell him yet another plan of mine.  I was scared and unsure how he would take it all in as I sat there begging him to let me get the camera.  We had the money, but it was a big investment. I pulled up my phone and went over some numbers with him. I had to back myself up here.  I showed him the money I'd made over the past three months and how it has already paid for a camera, but since I was renting the camera body I was throwing that money away.  He heard my argument, we talked about it, and he told me to go for it. I will forever be grateful to him for believing in me from the beginning, even if it may have been difficult.  Now I run various things by him and he says, "Emma, do what you gotta do, I trust that if you need it, you need it." Haha! My main investments are out of the way but running business is expensive.  

I'm going to keep it real, I'm not really sure how I would do this without my support system.  My parents, siblings, closest friends and my Husband have been my biggest fans. They cheer me on, celebrate with me, feel for me when things don't work out, and they continue to show me their love, unconditionally.

I thank this man for tolerating my late nights at the computer plugging away at my business after the baby is asleep because let's be honest about how hard it is to work with the littles running around.  I thank him for understanding that my passion is my business and I love working on it. I thank him for being here for me, even when things have been really difficult over the years. Our move to the coast has not been perfect.  There have been tears, fights, and feelings of frustration as the reality sunk in that this is our new life and that I had to suddenly adjust to a completely new reality of TIME and being more flexible. However with that being said, we never lost sight of what is most important, and that is our love for each other.  When people say marriage is hard, they aren't kidding. Yet every time he looks at me, kisses me, hugs me, encourages me and tells me how amazing he thinks I am, I fall in love all over again. I can honestly admit that last year put us through more than I could have ever imagined, but looking back on it now I'm grateful we endured it together.  Awhile back he looked at me and said, "I obviously knew why I married you, but these past few months validated our marriage for me and why you are my partner for life." That was a big moment for us.

So here I am today, one year in since we moved to Southwest Washington to embark on a new journey.  I still don't always know what's ahead as we plan our “forever”, but I am confident that whatever comes our way, we'll take it on head first together, hand in hand.  

It’s exciting to know that you have found what you’re meant to do and I feel it every day when I wake up.  I have never felt more fulfilled. To me it is more than a business, it is my heart and soul. It is everything I've ever dreamed about doing and I love sharing it with you all here!


Until next time,


Emma Rose Company is a Squarespace website designer and photographer who primarily works with photographers to help them reach their business goals through thoughtful designs.png


In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. I appreciate the support and love you all have shown my blog and will only recommend products that I use, love, or covet. That's all!